Online Courses

Experience our unique online courses at the comfort of your own home. What you will receive can make a big difference in your life and others around you. Click on one for more information.

Bodhi Medicine Awareness (Part 1)

with Nirdosh

This course will reveal to you a completely new perspective of what Health and disease really are. Through the 5 Biological Laws you will learn what causes symptoms and disease, what is inflammation, what causes tumors to grow in the body and much more!

Some of what you will learn:

  • The 5 Biological Laws.
  • The essential cause of all symptoms or dis-ease in the human body.
  • Essentials of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous systems and their symptomatic manifestations.
  • How the body and mind respond to survive unexpected situations in life.
  • What creates inflammation and how it benefits our body.
  • What is the main role of bacteria, virus, parasites and fungus in your body.
  • A different perspective around infectious and contagious diseases.
  • What creates the growth of tumor in the body.
  • You will receive a new understanding on how each symptom or so-called Disease has a unique meaning and purpose in life.

At the end of this part you can do a special quiz to see how easily you can integrate this new knowledge and understanding of your body, your brain, mind and emotions.

For more information, please visit us at

Bodhi Medicine Awareness (Part 2)

with Nirdosh

This second part of the course is a total shift of consciousness around what causes allergies, symptoms in unique locations of the body, what causes chronic symptoms, specific methods and therapies that help us live in harmony and wellbeing, and much more...

Some of what you will learn:

  • What creates allergies in the body and how to clear them completely without medications.
  • What is our body saying when we manifest a certain symptom only on one side of it.
  • What are the 4 main groups of organs in the body that create different symptoms when they are out of balance.
  • The most essential when dealing with health emergencies.
  • The power of giving or receiving a Diagnosis or Prognosis.
  • What are the causes of Chronic Symptoms and how to come out of a long term symptomatic situation.
  • A wide list of supportive tips, techniques and methods that can support you or someone else while going through a body imbalance or dis-ease.
  • How we can integrate and choose the right moment to get support from conventional medicine, different alternative healing methods and meditation to support the body to heal.
  • An amazing method of working with pre-established beliefs that might be causing symptoms or dis-ease in your life.
  • The importance and the way to integrate meditation and other alternative healing methods in your life to stay healthy in your body, mind and emotions.
  • Simple daily practices to relax, release tension and find a space of silence and harmony inside yourself.
  • At the end of this part you will also explore a variety of topics that normally create fear, but as you integrate this new knowledge, it can bring you deep relaxation, trust and love towards your body and your life.

At the end of this part you can do a special quiz to see how easily you can integrate this new knowledge and understanding of your body, your brain, mind and emotions.

For more information, please visit us at

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Individual Sessions

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